The Book of Weksek
R1. Reality is as a wave, with frequency and dimension.
R2. Infinite frequency has no dimension and is Pure Awareness.
R3. From Pure Awareness frequency decreases.
R4. As frequency decreases dimension and communication arise.
R5. The Pure Awareness is aware of dimension and communication, which is matter and force.
R6. The matter becomes two and then each becomes three, creating six.
R7. The force becomes two and then each becomes three, creating six.
R8. Each of these twelve has an opposite, totaling twenty four and with Pure Awareness totals twenty five, five by five, the whole Universe.
R9. The twelve and their opposites combine and cancel each other, leaving only Pure Awareness, the One.
R10. When not confined by the twenty four our awareness goes to the Pure Awareness.
R11. The Pure Awareness is golden light, pure compassion, understanding and intelligence.
R12. When our awareness returns to the Pure Awareness all is reviewed and understood.
R13. All individual awarenesses are souls.
R14. When our awareness returns to the Pure Awareness all souls are known and understood.
R15. All souls are one with the Pure Awareness.
R16. Matter becomes two, mass and radiation, Earth and Fire.
R17. Force becomes two, organization and information, Air and Water.
R18. Each becomes three: separated, mobile and static.
R19. Matter is darkness, unknown and fear.
R20. Force is light, known and joy.
R21. Finite frequency is symbolized by the drumbeat which emanates from the Infinite frequency of the Pure Awareness.
R22. The drumbeat gives rise to the tone which is the realm of matter and force.
R23. The tone is symbolized by a musical note and singing and from the tone the female Spirit of Life and Joy, the Kena, gives the message, the Weksek.
R24. Earth symbolizes mass, action, vegetation and the plant life. Fire symbolizes radiation, emotion, the body and the human and animal life. Air symbolizes organization, speech and communication and the Other-World. Water symbolizes information, thought and the joy of the Pure Awareness.
R25. As the heat and light of the sun emanates from the sun so does the physical realm and souls emanate from the Pure Awareness.
S1. Our experience will never totally be in accordance with our expectations and desires. If we cannot accept this we will not be happy.
S2. We must control and master our expectations and desires to be happy.
S3. We must observe, without evaluation, our Thoughts, Emotions, Speech and Actions to be happy.
S4. We must train our Thoughts,
Not to imagine the future,
Not to worry about the past,
To be observant of Thoughts without evaluating them.
S5. We must train our Emotions,
Not to hate the way things are in the present,
Not to be obsessed to get more,
Not to be obsessed with yourself or anything else,
To be observant of Emotions without reacting to them.
S6. We must train our Speech,
Not to speak to cause hurt,
Not to speak to flatter,
Not to speak to cause division,
To speak the truth.
S7. We must train our Actions,
Not to physically attack,
Not to take what is not given,
Not to break agreements,
To physically defend if physically attacked.
S8. Action causes Thought. Thought causes Emotion. Emotion causes Speech and Action.
S9. Thought, Emotion, Speech and Action are all contained and formed within non evaluating observation. In the same way that clouds and then rain are contained and formed within the sky.
S10. So training begins with Thought.
S11. Training begins with being fully observant of the present moment.
S12. All things form and increase to their peak, stay for some time and then decrease and disappear, forming seeds for the next thing to form.
S13. All thoughts and emotions form and increase to their peak, stay for some time and then decrease and disappear forming seeds for the next thoughts and emotions.
S14. Happiness and unhappiness form and increase to their peak and then decrease and disappear like flowers blooming and fading.
S15. Take time each day and when overwhelmed by Emotion or Thought to observe every action, speech, emotion and thought occurring. Only observe and do not evaluate.
S16. Take time each day and when overwhelmed by Thought or Emotion to repeat the phrase "It is now" within the mind. As you breath in slowly think "It is now" and as you breath out slowly think "It is now".
S17. In the evening be grateful for the day, sit on a chair or the floor, close your eyes and breathe slower and deeper. Repeat the phrase “It is now” for some time.
S18. Become aware of the weight of your body touching the seat of the chair. Visualize a green flat horizontal plane stretching out from this point and keep your attention here for some time. This is Action, the Earth.
S19. Become aware of the point a hand width above the navel, in the centre of your body and feel a slight burning sensation there. Visualize a red sphere here and keep your attention here for some time. This is Emotion, the Fire.
S20. Visualize a yellow vertical rod extending from the green horizontal plane through the centre of your body.Visualize it rising up to your throat and stopping at a point in the centre of your neck. Keep your attention on the end of this rod in the centre of your throat for some time. This is Speech, the Air.
S21. Bring your awareness inside your head and Visualize a white, horizontal ring inside your head. Run your attention clockwise around the ring inside your head for some time. This is Thought, the Water.
S22. Bring your attention to your eyes and completely relax them. Visualize a dark sea stretching out before your eyes. On the horizon, just touching the sea Visualize a black new moon. This is pure observation without evaluating the observed.
S23. Think of the Universe as a sea of particles. We are also these particles. We are not only part of the Universe, We are the Universe. When observing, without evaluating the observed, We are the Universe observing Itself.
S24. The compassionate are shown compassion. The happy are shown happiness. The cruel are shown cruelty. The miserable are shown misery. All things are brought about by thoughts. Good thoughts bring forth good things. Bad thoughts bring forth bad things.
S25. On the 22nd of March celebrate the Spring Equinox, the Festival of the Drum, with drums.
On the 8th of May celebrate the Festival of Plants, The Festival of the Earth, with decorations of leaves and plants.
On the 23rd of June celebrate the Festival of Midsummer with friends and family.
On the 9th of August celebrate the Festival of the Other-world, the Festival of Air with drinking and laughter.
On the 22nd of September celebrate the Festival of the Autumn Equinox with music.
On the 6th of November celebrate the Festival of Thought, The Festival of Water, with meditation.
On the 22rd of December celebrate the Festival of Midwinter with joy.
On the 6th of February celebrate the Festival of Body, The Festival of Fire, with fire.
P1. WAKING PRAYER: Pure Awareness, we share your awareness every day. We thank you for protection during the darkness and for bringing us to the light.
P2. MIDDAY PRAYER: We are being brought to you, the Pure Awareness and will one day enjoy your whole presence. Thank you for teaching us every day.
P3. NIGHT PRAYER: Keep us safe during our time in the darkness, that we may one day awaken to light and your Pure Awareness.
P4. We are in the realm of the lower frequency but one day we will rise to the infinite frequency of your Pure Awareness.
P5. We, the souls, are all one tribe and are one with all nature. Help us to live in harmony with the green plant life.
P6. We, the souls, are all one family and from the same Pure Awareness. Let us live in joy together in the Pure Awareness and the message, the Weksek.
P7. May our speech always be truthful and not harmful. May we always strive to attain that golden light of the Other-World of Pure Awareness.
P8. We thank you for all the experiences we have and the out flowing of your Pure Awareness. May we celebrate you with music.
P9. May our thoughts be in the now and without worry. May we meditate on your Pure Awareness and stillness.
P10. We thank you for the joy of your presence and the experience of your all encompassing Pure Awareness.
P11. We thank you for the experience of our bodies. To live in matter and experience the fire of separation so that we may experience the joy of final union with your Pure Awareness.
P12. Forgive us for the wrongs we have done and for falling short of what we should be. Help us to see all things from your Pure Awareness.
P13. You are our highest aim and desire. May we be detached from all else but you.
P14. Help us in our weakness and suffering. Help us to see your Pure Awareness and deep compassion. Give us the guidance that we need.
P15. Protect us from this realm of darkness and matter and help us to remember it is but a journey to you.
P16. May we always meditate on the oneness of all things in the Universe and that we are the Universe enjoying your Pure Awareness.
P17. May we always realize that our experience in this realm of separation will never be totally in accordance with our expectations and desires.
P18. Help us to train our thoughts emotions, speech and actions to bring them in accordance with how they should be.
P19. May we realize that all happiness and unhappiness in this realm increases, then decreases and then disappears, all of the time.
P20. We know that good thoughts bring forth good things and bad thoughts bring forth bad things. May we always endeavour to have good thoughts.
P21. May we always be fully observant of the present moment and live in the ever present now.
P22. Help us to train our thoughts not to imagine the future, not to worry about the past and to be observant of thoughts without evaluating them.
P23. Help us to train our emotions not to hate the way things are in the present, not to be obsessed to get more, not to be obsessed with ourselves or anything else and to be observant of emotions without reacting to them.
P24. Help us to train our speech not to speak to cause hurt, not to speak to flatter, not to speak to cause division and to speak the truth.
P25. Help us to train our actions not to physically attack, not to take what is not given, not to break agreements and help us to physically defend if physically attacked.
L1. Upon waking pray the Waking Prayer.
L2. At midday pray the Midday Prayer.
L3. Before sleeping pray the Night Prayer.
L4. During the morning read a verse from the Scroll and a prayer from the Prayers.
L5. During the evening read a verse from the Reflections and a prayer from the Prayers.
L6. Each day take time to observe every action, speech, emotion and thought occurring. Only observe and do not evaluate.
L7. Each day take time to repeat the phrase "It is now" within the mind. As you breath in slowly think "It is now" and as you breath out slowly think "It is now".
L8. In the evening be grateful for the day, sit on a chair or the floor, close your eyes and breathe slower and deeper. Repeat the phrase “It is now” for some time.
L9. Each day complete the visualization.
L10. At least once a week listen and concentrate on a steady drum beat of 220 beats per minute. Close the eyes and relax the face and eyes. Observe any visions that may occur.
L11. Celebrate the eight Weksek festivals during the year. They can be celebrated on the weekend before the date, the weekend after the date or on the date.
L12. Favor eating vegetarian meals rather than meat when available and if possible.
L13. Do not drink alcohol every day of the week and only drink in moderation.
L14. Try to drink alcohol only when you are ill and try not to drink alcohol if you are well. Though alcohol can be drunk at festivals in moderation.
L15. When praying pray to the Pure Awareness and visualize the Pure Awareness as white light.
L16. Try to follow the teachings in the Scroll of Weksek.
L17. Try to understand the teachings in the Reflections of Weksek.
L18. Try to find the meanings of the concepts in the Weksek Book of Days and their application to the days of the years.
L19. The symbol of Weksek is a circle with an equal armed cross within it, known as a sun-cross:
L20. The banner of Weksek is a black circle in a square. The black circle represents pure observation without evaluating the observed. The corners outside of the black circle are detailed in the following verses L21 to L24.
L21. The top left corner is green and symbolizes the Weksek Earth element, actions and plant life.
L22. The bottom left corner is red and symbolizes the Weksek Fire element, emotions and the human and animal bodies.
L23. The top right corner is yellow and symbolizes the Weksek Air element, speech and the Other-World of Pure Awareness.
L24. The bottom right corner is white and symbolizes the Weksek Water element, thoughts and the joy of the Pure Awareness.
L25. The circle of the symbol of Weksek represents the Pure Awareness.
D1. The Weksek Book of Days can be used as a meditation for each day.
D2. It can be used as a tool to open the subconscious mind through meditation or using a random selection of concepts in answer to a question.
D3. It can also be used as a form of communication as a language or as a sacred or religious language.
D4. It can be used to devise sacred chants or mantras.
D6. The first letter of the concept alphabet is “I” and is pronounced as “i”, as in the English word “pit”. It has a value of 1.
D7. The second letter of the concept alphabet is “E” and is pronounced as “e”, as in the English word “pet”. It has a value of 2.
D8. The third letter of the concept alphabet is “A” and is pronounced as “a”, as in the English word “father”. It has a value of 3.
D9. The fourth letter of the concept alphabet is “O” and is pronounced as “o”, as in the English word “pot”. It has a value of 4.
D10. The fifth letter of the concept alphabet is “U” and is pronounced as “oo”, as in the English word “food”. It has a value of 5.
D11. The sixth letter of the concept alphabet is “H” and is pronounced as “h”, as in the English word “hat”. It has a value of 6.
D12. The seventh letter of the concept alphabet is “W” and is pronounced as “w”, as in the English word “win”. It has a value of 7.
D13. The eighth letter of the concept alphabet is “Y” and is pronounced as “y”, as in the English word “yet”. It has a value of 8.
D14. The ninth letter of the concept alphabet is “R” and is pronounced as “r”, as in the English word “red”. It has a value of 9.
D15. The tenth letter of the concept alphabet is “S” and is pronounced as “s”, as in the English word “sit”. It has a value of 10.
D16. The eleventh letter of the concept alphabet is “L” and is pronounced as “l”, as in the English word “lot”. It has a value of 20.
D17. The twelfth letter of the concept alphabet is “J” and is pronounced as “j”, as in the English word “jug”. It has a value of 30.
D18. The thirteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “N” and is pronounced as “n”, as in the English word “not”. It has a value of 40.
D19. The fourteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “M” and is pronounced as “m”, as in the English word “mat”. It has a value of 50.
D20. The fifteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “K” and is pronounced as “k”, as in the English word “kiss”. It has a value of 60.
D21. The sixteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “B” and is pronounced as “b”, as in the English word “bit” .It has a value of 70.
D22. The eighteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “P” and is pronounced as “p”, as in the English word “pot”. It has a value of 80.
D23. The nineteenth letter of the concept alphabet is “T” and is pronounced as “t”, as in the English word “tick”. It has a value of 90.
D24. The concept alphabet, I E A O U H W Y R S L J N M K B P T, contains 18 letters and can be represented by an inverted 9 pointed star as:
D25. For random selection of a concept take three packs of cards. The first pack of cards should contain symbols representing 0, 1, 2 and 3. The second and third packs of cards should contain symbols representing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Shuffle each pack of cards separately then take one card randomly from the first pack for hundreds, one card randomly from the second pack for tens and one card randomly from the third pack for units. If a three is drawn from the first pack subtract seven from any card over the value of six drawn from the second and third packs. This will give the number of the concept.