Days Commentary

There are 366 Concept Words within the Weksek Book of Days, which is part of the Weksek Religion.

Each of these words relate to a basic concept within the religion and also relate to each other and a day within the yearly cycle.

The words themselves are comprised from the Weksek Concept Alphabet. This Alphabet contains 18 sounds which are represented by the upper case Latin script: I E A O U H W Y R S L J N M K B P T

The sounds of the letters are in the order of Dimension, which is a Weksek concept in itself, known as TOL. In the manifestation of the Universe from Pure Awareness the first two polarities to form from the Unity or Infinite Frequency are Dimension and Communication, which are the Concept Words TOL and WERT.

I is the sound with the smallest dimension and so the highest frequency and T is the sound with the largest dimension and so the lowest frequency. The 18 sounds can also be grouped into two groups of nine.

I E A O U H W Y R are tongueless sounds and do not use the lips, they have the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.

S L J N M K B P T use the tongue or lips to varying degrees and they have the values 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 and 90.

The letters can be used to represent numerals from 1 to 99. 99 is the highest number and represents divinity, as the value of the Concept Word for divinity is 99.

The letters also represent the notes on a 9 tone musical scale which is the musical scale used in Weksek songs and chants.

The letters T, P, B, K, M, N, J, L and S are the 9 notes on the first “octave” starting on middle C. These notes are: C D D# E F# G G# A B The letters R, Y, W, H, U, O, A, E, and I are the 9 notes on the next “octave” starting on the next highest C, C’. These notes are: C’ D’ D#’ E’ F#’ G’ G#’ A’ B’

For example the concept KENA can be represented by the notes: E A’ G G#’

The Concept Words were given spontaneously over a number of Shamanic drumming journeys. Being 366 in number they were arranged in alphabetic order over the days of the year and found to form a pattern that related to a series of visions obtained whilst undergoing Shamanic drumming journeys. All of the religion of Weksek is derived from these drumming journeys, including the colours, concepts and visualizations and were put together in the Book of Weksek over the course of three days. The Shamanic drumming sessions were conducted in the same manner as the Mazatec Shamans in northern Oaxaca in Mexico. Each of the Concept words have a numerical number from 1 to 366 which is found in the order they occur. That is to say, the first Concept on the 1 st January, UPSI, has the number 1. The second Concept on the 2 nd January, POST, has the number 2 etc.

Also each Concept has a value, which is found by adding up the values of the letters in the Concept Word. For example, KENA has the value 105 as it is composed of the sounds K, which has a value of 60. E which is value 2, N which is value 40 and A which has a value of 3. Concept words that share the same value are related to each other in some way. For example the concept of the drum, BAMB, has a value of 193. The concept for religion, PEREST, also has a value of 193. This is because the religion of Weksek came from visions and ideas perceived during Shamanic drumming journeys and so are related. Also another example is KENA, which is the female spirit of joy and has the value 105. KUN which is the concept grass, which relates to all plant life on the earth, also has the value 105. The female spirit in the visions that gave the knowledge is also related in the visions to plants and plant spirits. There are many more examples of these relations that appear through the value system of Concepts.

As stated in the Book of Weksek, these Concept Words can be used as a meditation for each day of the year. They can be used as a language, as a form of communication, or as a sacred or religious language. They can be used as to create sacred mantras or chants. Also they can be used to open the subconscious mind to find answers to problems and questions. Our minds filter out some of our thoughts and we tend to think restrictively to be more efficient. By also considering random connections more possibilities become open to us.

The Book of Weksek instructs us to use three packs of cards.

The first pack should contain symbols representing the numerals 0, 1, 2 and 3. In this pack there should be 3 cards containing the symbol 0, 3 cards containing the symbol 1, 3 cards containing the symbol 2 and 2 cards containing the symbol 3. The first pack will then contain 11 cards.

The second pack should have 10 cards, each card containing one of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

The third pack should also have 10 cards, each card containing one of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

To select a Concept Word shuffle all the packs and take one card from the first pack, this represents hundreds. One card from the second pack, which represents tens and one card from the third pack which represents units. This will be the number of the Concept Word . You will need to have an open and creative mind and try to find a link between the question and the Concept Word. As everything is connected there is a connection between your question and the Concept Word. The answer to the question is found when the connection is found.