Reflections Commentary

Commentary on verses R1 to R5:

All waves, such as sound waves, radio waves, light waves and waves of the sea have a relationship between frequency and wavelength. As the frequency of the wave increases it's wavelength decreases and as the frequency decreases it's wavelength increases. Consciousness or awareness is the basis of all reality and all existence. Pure consciousness or awareness is that consciousness that is only aware. It is only conscious or aware, it is not aware or conscious of anything. It is pure consciousness, pure awareness, only aware of consciousness. This pure awareness is that which everything arises from. When this pure awareness is aware of the awareness it is aware of itself. Now there is something that the pure awareness is aware of, i.e. itself, there is something evaluated, something measured, there is dimension, there is wavelength. From infinite waves of awareness, infinite frequency, there is a separation of the waves, a lowering of the frequency to a finite frequency and dimension begins to appear. There is now a finite frequency and a wavelength. The observer and the observed. There is now a communication between the observer and observed. In the totality of reality infinite frequency exists with finite frequencies. There is infinite frequency and an infinite number of finite frequencies. So there is pure awareness which is aware of the dimensions of the finite frequencies. The pure awareness being aware of the dimension is a communication, an exchange of information. This communication is an action between the pure awareness and dimension, a force. So we now have pure awareness that is aware of communication and dimension. Dimension is length, i.e. size, it is matter. Communication is an action, a force. So we have pure awareness which is aware of the communication and dimension, force and matter.

Commentary on verses R6 to R9:

Dimension can be static or changing. Changing dimension is energetic matter and non changing dimension is non energetic or static matter. Energetic matter is radiation, which is the Weksek Fire element and static matter is mass, which is the Weksek Earth element.

Communication can be static or changing. Changing communication is energetic force and non changing communication is non energetic or static force. Energetic force is organisation which is the Weksek Air element and static force is information which is the Weksek Water element.

Here the four elements are now formed, Fire (radiation), Earth (mass), Air (organisation) and Water (information).

Each of these elements have three states, separated, mobile and static. Pure Fire element is static, it is not mutating into another element. Fire mutating into Earth is separated and Fire mutating into Water is mobile. Fire mutating into Earth is broken into patches of Fire within the Earth. Patches of red within green. Fire mutating into Water is dispersed within the Water, appearing as a pink colour. Earth mutating into Fire is separated and appears as red within green. Earth mutating into Air is dispersed and appears as greenish yellow. Air that is mutating into Water is separated and appears as patches of yellow within white. Water that is mutating into Fire is dispersed and appears as pink. All these were seen within the visions and these colour combinations can be seen in plant life as a common theme in their growth.

All of these twelve states of the Elements are becoming or being created but also at the same time there are these twelve states of the Elements that are in the mode of destruction, their anti-mode. When the creative states and their opposite the destructive states are combined they cancel each other out, becoming nothing. Similar to the way that particles and anti-particles are formed and annihilated in the quantum foam of modern particle physics. The numbers of 5 and 25 are significant in the construction of the universe, as yet to be discovered. The only relationship I could discover is that the Golden Ratio is the square root of 5 divided by 2 plus a half. The Golden Ratio is found throughout nature. Twenty five is the square of five. Also there are 24 states of the elements which emanate from the Pure Awareness and 8 concepts so these numbers are also significant. The significant numbers in the universe then being:

5, 8, 24 and 25. Why these numbers are special requires more research.

Commentary on verses R10 to R15:

In the state of death of the body the consciousness of the individual returns to become part of the universal consciousness. This universal consciousness has the traits of universal intelligence, universal understanding and universal compassion for all it's parts, all of it's individual conscious components. It is experienced visually as a golden white light, an entity of pure awareness. When the individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness all of the past experience of the individual consciousness is evaluated in the light of the truth of the universal consciousness and there is complete understanding. These individual consciousnesses can be seen as souls. All other souls are known and fully understood as they are all part of the universal consciousness.

Commentary on verses R16 to R20:

R16 to R18 have already been explained. Force, which is the information and organisation of matter is closest to consciousness as consciousness is responsible for organizing matter into forms. Consciousness in it's pure state is golden white light, joy and fully knowing and understanding. Compared to this, matter appears as it's opposite.

Commentary on verses R21 to R25:

The drumbeat of the shamanic journeying is symbolic of the manifestation of the universe, symbolic of the finite frequencies from the infinite frequency of the Pure Awareness. The drumbeat also gives rise to a tone during the shamanic journey and the visions. The message is given in the visions. The culmination of the visions is the vision of a female spirit of pure joy and life who is a representation of the Pure Awareness to the human mind. The physical realm and individual consciousnesses emanate from the universal consciousness.