Laws Commentary
L1. Upon waking pray the Waking Prayer.
The ideal time is shortly after waking but the prayer may be prayed from waking until midday.
L2. At midday pray the Midday Prayer.
The ideal time is midday but the prayer may be prayed from midday until sunset.
L3. Before sleeping pray the Night Prayer.
The ideal time is shortly before sleeping but the prayer maybe prayed from sunset to until shortly before sleeping.
L4. During the morning read a verse from the Scroll and a prayer from the Prayers.
The minimum is one verse but any number of verses may be read or the entire Scroll if desired. The minimum is one prayer but any number of prayers may be read.
L5. During the evening read a verse from the Reflections and a prayer from the Prayers.
The minimum is one verse but any number of verses may be read or the entire Reflections if desired. The minimum is one prayer but any number of prayers may be read.
L6. Each day take time to observe every action, speech, emotion and thought occurring. Only observe and do not evaluate.
Spend at least 5 minutes on this.
L7. Each day take time to repeat the phrase "It is now" within the mind. As you breath in slowly think "It is now" and as you breath out slowly think "It is now".
Spend at least 5 minutes on this and it should be completed during the day, not in the evening.
L8. In the evening be grateful for the day, sit on a chair or the floor, close your eyes and breathe slower and deeper. Repeat the phrase “It is now” for some time.
Spend at least 5 minutes on this.
L9. Each day complete the visualization.
Spend at least 5 minutes on this.
L10. At least once a week listen and concentrate on a steady drum beat of 220 beats per minute. Close the eyes and relax the face and eyes. Observe any visions that may occur.
After 15 minutes the mind will alter it’s state and journeying may occur. Twenty minutes is a typical time for concentrating on the drum beat. Spend at least 5 minutes on this if there is no time for a full twenty minutes. Focus on the sound of the drum and try not to let any other thoughts distract the focusing on the beat. It should be done with the eyes closed and the face and eyes relaxed.
L11. Celebrate the eight Weksek festivals during the year. They can be celebrated on the weekend before the date, the weekend after the date or on the date.
If the festival falls on a weekend it may still be celebrated on the weekend before or the weekend after if desired.
L12. Favor eating vegetarian meals rather than meat when available and if possible.
This is only when health and work allows and it does not cause any offense or extra work for a host. Vegetarianism is not obligatory but it is recommended that it forms as large a part of the diet as possible.
L13. Do not drink alcohol every day of the week and only drink in moderation.
Drinking in moderation is obligatory. Having at least one day off from drinking is for health reasons and not obligatory although highly recommended.
L14. Try to drink alcohol only when you are ill and try not to drink alcohol if you are well. Though alcohol can be drunk at festivals in moderation.
This is for an ultimate health regime and not obligatory. It should be tried at least once for a minimum period of one week and recommended to be repeated occasionally.
Being ill includes sleeplessness, headaches, pain, anxiety, tiredness etc. Festivals include Weksek festivals, festivals of other religions if celebrating them with others and social festivals such as weddings etc.
L15. When praying pray to the Pure Awareness and visualize the Pure Awareness as white light.
When praying close the eyes and visualize a pure white light then pray the prayer from memory or open the eyes and read the prayer.
L16. Try to follow the teachings in the Scroll of Weksek.
Completing the meditations and visualizations will give the mind strength and clarity to accomplish this.
L17. Try to understand the teachings in the Reflections of Weksek.
Read the commentary on the Reflections of Weksek for help with this.
L18. Try to find the meanings of the concepts in the Weksek Book of Days and their application to the days of the years.
This can be completed on a daily basis researching the Concept Word that relates to the current day.
L19. The symbol of Weksek is a circle with an equal armed cross within it, known as a sun-cross.
This is found in artifacts from the stoneage and this symbol is part of the collective human subconscious.
L20. The banner of Weksek is a black circle in a square. The black circle represents pure observation without evaluating the observed. The corners outside of the black circle are detailed in the following verses L21 to L24.
L21. The top left corner is green and symbolizes the Weksek Earth element, actions and plant life.
L22. The bottom left corner is red and symbolizes the Weksek Fire element, emotions and the human and animal bodies.
L23. The top right corner is yellow and symbolizes the Weksek Air element, speech and the Other-World of Pure Awareness.
L24. The bottom right corner is white and symbolizes the Weksek Water element, thoughts and the joy of the Pure Awareness.
L25. The circle of the symbol of Weksek represents the Pure Awareness.
Please see the diagram below for a summary of the elements and concepts: